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From the Editor

This issue celebrates PLN's tenth anniversary. One thing about PLN is that we have pretty much muddled along and done the best we could. To this day, no one involved in PLN's daily operations has any professional experience in journalism or publishing. We're all self taught and learned as we went. In any event, I'm glad PLN has lasted as long as it has. I hope we are able to bring you another ten years of PLN.

In responding to our reader survey, a large number of people indicated that they would like to see more information about habeas corpus litigation in PLN. Therefore, starting with this issue we will be runnning a quarterly column by Texas attorney Walter Reaves called "Post Conviction Update." This column will report significant court rulings pertaining to post conviction relief.

Beginning with the July issue we will also be running a quarterly column by California attorney Kent Russell dealing with procedural issues in federal habeas corpus litigation. We would like to welcome these two new columnists, and we hope that their contributions will help us to better serve our readers.

As always, your financial support is critical to PLN's future survival. If you haven't made a donation to PLN's matching grant campaign, please do so and encourage others to give as well.

Prisoners should note that we are belatedly increasing our prisoner subscription rates to reflect the rise in PLN's printing and postage costs. We delayed raising the prisoner rate as long as we could. We are giving ample notice for all those who wish to subscribe, renew or extend their subscription at the current rates can do so.

This editorial is brief as I am being moved to a different prison shortly. If I am on your mailing list or you send me things, correspond, etc., please note that my current, correct address is on page two of this issue of PLN.

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