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From the Editor

by Paul Wright

This issue marks PLN's 180th consecutive issue and our 15th anniversary. When I first started PLN in 1990 I didn't think it would last this long. I am pleased to report that it has and should continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

This month's cover story is a history of PLN and what we have done over the years. I hope that in five years I can report a lot more progress in terms of what we have been able to accomplish.

In addition to thanking PLN's many volunteers, writers and contributor I would like to thank our readers and subscribers. With over 4,200 subscribers we now have the highest circulation in our history. We hope to continue increasing our circulation. With more than 2.2 million imprisoned Americans, our readership is far lower than what it should be.

We have a lot of news and information in this issue so I will keep this brief. If you believe in an independent, prisoner rights press please make a donation so we can continue our work. Enjoy this issue and please encourage others to subscribe.

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