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Articles by Jaan Laaman

Jericho: Thoughts From Political Prisoners in Leavenworth

JERICHO 98 -- as many people already know and we hope many more soon will know, is the nationwide March 27th rally in Washington DC, calling for the recognition and release of all political prisoners in America.

Here are some of the principle reasons we think this rally is so ...

Attica: Looking Back 25 Years

[Editor's Note: Jaan Laaman, Ohio-7 political prisoner, served time at Attica in 1971 and is currently incarcerated at U.S.P. Leavenworth. Due to a shooting and prison lockdown, this 25-year anniversary article is being published a month late. The Attica uprising occurred in September, 1971. Here is a brief chronology of ...

NBC Slanders Freedom Fighter

On Oct. 1, NBC's Sunday Night Movie was titled, 'In The Line Of Duty: The Hunt For Justice." It was billed as the "true story" of the decade long government hunt for a group of anti-imperialist political fugitives who, when finally captured in 1984 and 85, were called the Ohio-7. ...

Prisoners Support Guzman Defense

After the capture of Abimael Guzman, some friends of the Peruvian revolution contacted us and informed us of the worldwide effort to protect his life. A few revolutionaries here in Leavanworth federal penitentiary then got together to figure out what we could do. We felt we could raise some awareness ...