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Letters From Readers

From Germany

Thanks a lot for the prisoners Legal News. I was impressed. From my (own experience in) making flyers I can imagine how much work you put into these important pages, even if you collect articles. "The Terry" by D.P. fit exactly in a discussion we had in Kassel. Some members of our "Anti-Repression Plenum" didn't want to have contact with prisoners in Kassel prison. They say, e.g., "I just can't. I know the Fiauenhaus (women refuge) murderer is in there, many more of them are convicted of rape - I can't"

I myself think it is rather superficial to say s.b. is among the group and therefore I don't want to have anything to do with all of them and s.b. did something (maybe) and I push him/her away for the rest of his/her life. What D.P. writes was very important for me/us.


Even Christians Can Read It

Got a copy of PLN (#2) and I like it twice as much as the first one. I was able to send a copy to my ex-wife and ex-kids at my ex-home because you left out the "F" word. The fact that you have included some Pastoral comment has made it more palatable to my conservative, right-wing fundamentalist wanna be Christian brothers. They won't be able to call it the Berkeley Barb any more!

Thanks for the newsletter. Please keep up the good work.


Support Other Struggles

PLN is very good. Better. As I said fruitlessly with The Abolitionist, if we want resources to support prisoners, prisoners need to support them at least the little they can.


Toll Free Olympia Number

You should remind people through the newsletter that 1-800-321-2808 number to Olympia will get them in touch with the Department of Corrections, Indeterminate Sentence Review Board, Sentencing Guidelines Commission, or anyone else they want to talk to in Olympia for free from anywhere in the state. It can save a lot of money in the long run.

C.R., Kent

No Flexibility On Sex Offenders

I would not back any rapos I don't care what is said about their beefs. Foremost along with their beefs is they are rats, everyone of them that has ever gotten jammed told, or they will set another up. I got this from experience of seeing them, and from someone who sees their files, and they tell, 99% of them will tell.

I can't stand their beefs, and I won't speak to them unless I just can't get around it, being they are working in a position where I have to deal with them. Other than that they can stay away from me at all times.

I know anything can be justified by saying we are doing it in the name of struggle, but not all things with me. (The PLN) should not ask others to work with them or write a position paper saying you are willing to work with all the slime of the earth, because we are really outnumbered by them or because their people seem to stick with them, eventually they (outside people) do leave them because they (sex offenders) abuse all about them.

D. A., McNeil Island

What Can We Do?

I know we need to challenge the "rehabilitation" issue, but were do we begin? How do we challenge it? The courts aren't gonna help us a lick. That leaves us with the legislature. What can the average convict do to sway legislation?

You speak of folks on the streets. I've been locked up since I was 16 years old. I have nobody on the streets. My parents are totally ignorant of politics and I'm so lacking in knowledge I can't direct them. I feel I got to do something so I lash out by doing something I'm capable of doing. I'm going to document examples of how the Board messes people over.

M. H., Walla Walla

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