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Articles by Paul Wright

From The Editor

By Paul Wright

Welcome to another issue of PLN . Longtime readers of PLN may recall that PLN was banned by the Texas DOC in July of 1990 as they claimed we were not a "publisher." We appealed the decision and it was upheld by the DOC. In the last ...

Help Yourself Legal Information

By Paul Wright

Part of the purpose of PLN is to try to help prisoners help themselves when it comes to using the courts to extend democracy to all and to vindicate our civil rights. We pretty much concentrate on federal court rulings and actions, because they can be used ...

Getting Counsel Appointed in Civil Rights Cases

Getting Counsel Appointed In Civil Rights Cases

By Paul Wright

The vast majority of prisoner rights cases are initiated and filed by prisoners representing themselves. This is due to a variety of reasons but the primary one is that most prisoners are poor and cannot afford an attorney to represent ...

Death Penalty Resources

By Paul Wright

With the NCADP conference being held in Seattle this is a good chance for citizens to learn more about the death penalty and its inherent injustice. One of the often overlooked aspects of the death penalty is that in the criminal law field death penalty litigation is ...

CBCC Mail Suit Filed

By Paul Wright

In May of 1991 CBCC mailroom staff here began a practice of rejecting without notice to the prisoner or the sender or an opportunity to appeal all mail that arrived without the prisoners DOC number on it. No notice of any type was given of this practice ...

Prison Education

As you know, the 9th Circuit ruled in Hernandez vs. Johnston (a case out of MICC) that we don't have a right to education or rehabilitation. My opinion is the that whole "school in prison" thing is a sham. The state could care less about education for prisoners. It's used ...

From The Editor

By Paul Wright

Welcome to another issue of PLN . As I write this, I just saw on the news that Thurgood Marshall, the first and only black person to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, is resigning due to age and health reasons. Mr. Marshall was always a friend ...

PLN Banned in France

PLN Banned In France

By Paul Wright

PLN reader Jean Marc Rouillain, a political prisoner in France, has written and informed us that the April, 1991, issue of PLN (which just happened to have his article about the worsening prison conditions in France and the hungerstrike he and other prisoners ...

Police Brutality or Brutal Police?

Police Brutality Or Brutal Police?

By Paul Wright

By now most people have seen the gruesome home video of Rodney King being beaten senseless by Los Angeles police. The only thing unusual about this episode is that it was captured on film, not that it happened to begin with.

It ...

From The Editor

By Paul Wright

Welcome to another issue of PLN. As I write this I don't know how successful our plea for donations in the last PLN was. Hopefully everyone who hadn't donated yet was overcome with a spirit of generosity.

In an attempt to avoid having to ask for money ...