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Perotti Needs Help
On August 7, 1992, MANCI prisoncrats Bill Rachael (unit manager), Terry Knight (SHP Investigator), Mr. Fleming (SHP) and Capt. Jackson and Sgt. Harrell called a prisoner named Jerome Evans to their office and made a deal that if he set me up they would get him out of AC (isolation) and to another prison. These prison officials are defendants in a class action lawsuit litigated by myself challenging overall conditions at MANCI and retaliation.
A mini-cassette recorder was secreted inside a role of toilet paper and planted outside my cell. Evans was placed in the recreation cage and unsuccessfully attempted to get me to discuss criminal activities. When this didn't work, I spotted the roll of toilet paper, pulled it into my cell and recovered the tape recorder. I removed the tape and called for a supervisor. The supervisor(Jackson) wouldn't come as he intended to cover up the incident. The guards confiscated the recorder, then, when they noticed the tape was missing, a goon squad was brought in to tear up my cell and those of all prisoners on the range with me. No tape was recovered. In retaliation all of my legal and personal property was confiscated and I was placed in my cell.
On August 10, 1992, a guard tried to engage me in a conversation with intentions of entrapping me. This did not work either so I was stripped naked and searched. During this search I was verbally harassed and humiliated to the point where I went off and spit in the shakedown guard's face. I was taken to an observation cell (with a closed circuit TV and microphone) and chained to a steel bunk. My cell was again searched and nothing recovered.
On August 11, 1992, Rachael, Knight, SHP Fleming, Mosier and Major Morrison said they found two knives and a homemade screwdriver in the cell I had occupied. The same cell that was searched the previous night and two nights before with no weapons being found in them. The news media was told that with the help of a prison informant they had attempted to record a conversation about a contract "hit" on two guards in population and a search of my cell had discovered three weapons. The article went on to say I was in isolation, the most secure cell block in the prison. The article was a continuation of the guard's union propaganda campaign attempting to get more guards hired and security tightened.
On September 2, 1992, the prison informant Jerome Evans took a nurse hostage whom he held for four hours demanding a transfer out of MANCI. He was transferred to the prison at Lebanon after releasing the nurse. Again, the guard's union used this incident to issue more propaganda as to how dangerous it is in the isolation unit, again calling for more guards and increased security.
I am still being held in the observation cell, my legal and personal property are still being withheld and I was changed from a level 2 to the most restrictive level 3 classification, which has less privileges. I am harassed daily. With top level prisoncrats involved I will never be released from AC. After the hostage incident with Evans, Major Morrison was escorted out of the prison on "administrative leave" due to his illegal dealings with Evans. It is uncertain whether the plot between Evans and these officials is known to higher ups.
Letters protesting my set up and demanding my transfer to another prison where I won't be set up by officials, as well as the return of all my privileges and legal property and an investigation should be sent to:
Reginald Wilkinson, Director
Dept. of Rehabilitation and Corrections
1050 Freeway Dr.
N. Columbus, OH 43229
Dennis Baker, Warden
P.O. Box 1368
Mansfield, OH 44901
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