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Irish POWs in the US

Most people are well aware of the fact that the British government holds hundreds of Irish Republican prisoners of war and political prisoners as a result of its efforts to crush the Irish independence movement. Less well know is the fact that Irish republican POWs are held in several other countries, including the US. [Editors' Note: "Republicans" used in the Irish context refers to those who support a united, independent Ireland. It has no relation to the American Republican party.] As the independence war in Ireland moves into negotiations that include the release of hundreds of Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) and Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) prisoners, dozens of Irish Republican prisoners languish in prison elsewhere.

Where is Liberty: The Prosecution of Irish Republicans in the United States is a 32 page booklet that outlines the personal background, location, etc., of more than two dozen Irish POWs being held in American prisons. The prisoners are held for offenses relating to immigration violations (i.e. fleeing British persecution and imprisonment), arms procurement and similar activities to support PIRA and INLA. Many of the prisoners had successfully escaped British prison camps and were living law abiding lives in the US when arrested by the US government. The plight of these prisoners has been all but ignored in the US. This excellent booklet gives a personal look at the prisoners, their lives, why they are imprisoned and the US government's open collusion with England to crush the Irish independence movement.

An upcoming issue of PLN will report on Saoirse, the international movement seeking the immediate, unconditional release of all Irish POWs and political prisoners. Anyone desiring a copy of this booklet or more information should contact: Saoirse, 1032 Irving St. Suite 722, San Francisco, CA 94122-2216. (510) 273-9833. Include a donation to help offset their costs.

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