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Non-English Messed Over

Many of our inmates are Mexican and/or Central American citizens. They are called up to legal mail line and receive registered letters from their home countries. These letters usually contain a few well worn, soiled American dollars. The institution counts them and has the inmate sign for postage to return the few pitiful dollars to the sender! Because of rules that say the institution will only accept money orders, these poor people are unable to have the cash put on the books. The cash is returned to their loved ones, probably by regular surface mail which may or may not get to the sender. This is a crime. I lived in Guatemala and Mexico for a few years, but my Spanish is really terrible. Someone needs to file something to stop this cruel practice. People in those countries are poor. They cannot afford to lose dollars, and the few dollars they could spare for their loved one who is a prisoner of the American system are sent with total love. Like the widow's mite in the Bible. They also cannot get P.O. money orders to send their loved ones, they must send cash. Is this done at your institution?

H. B. Shelton, WA

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