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New Video Tape Available

Last October over a thousand people attended the International Tribunal of Indigenous Peoples and Oppressed Nations in the USA. The event, sponsored and organized by a coalition of 30 organizations, was part of the counter-Columbus quincentennial activities throughout the country. The Tribunal put the U.S. Government on trial for internationally recognized crimes such as genocide, colonialism, and the holding of political prisoners. The aims of the Tribunal were to destroy the myth of Columbus as the embodiment of the European Spirit of Adventure and rugged individualism; to provide a forum for a broader understanding of the right of self-determination for Native Americans, Puerto Ricans, New Afrikans (Blacks) and Mexicans; and the immediate, unconditional release of the Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War presently in the U.S. prisons and jails.

A 60 minute video has just been produced that covers the various events surrounding the Tribunal. It is called USA On Trial. To order copies of the video send $20.00, which includes postage and handling, to Mission Creek Video, P.O. Box 411271, San Francisco, CA 94141-1271. The published verdict of the Tribunal is also available from the American Indian Movement in English or Spanish. Please send $4.00 (indicate which language) to American Indian Movement, 2017 Mission Street #303, San Francisco, CA 94110.

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